May 20, 2009

Therapeuctic Crisis Intervention

I found this article quite interesting and valuable:

Josh Lechter, assistant director of child care for the Community-Based Acute Treatment program at Walker, has written a paper featured in the most recent issue of Refocus, the Residential Child Care Project newsletter published by Cornell

His paper, Using TCI’s Family Care Provider Training To Break Down Language Barriers Between Residential Treatment and Life at Home, discusses the success of a new initiative at Walker to share therapeutic crisis intervention training and techniques with the families of Walker students.

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention For Family Care Providers (TCIF) is a curriculum-based class adapted from the same crisis prevention and behavior management skills taught to The Walker School staff. Developed by the The Family Life Development Center at Cornell University, the 5-day course involves modeling and role playing to familiarize family members with strategies and techniques for deescalating problems and emotionally volatile situations with their children at home. According to the developers at Cornell, Walker is the first organization to offer TCIF training to the families of children with serious emotional and behavior issues.

Judging from the enthusiastic response of participating families, the availability of this specialized training for parents and caregivers will help to improve the likelihood of a child’s successful transition from residential treatment to home and community. In the paper, Lechter recounts the comments of several grateful parents, including one who said, “the course was a blessing. I now do not feel alone in helping my children with their mental health needs.”
See this article for more details

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a terrific article. I went to the website for Center for Family Development and found a lot of very useful material I can use in my practice.