Apr 10, 2012

The Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Primer

The Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Primer is now out in print and Kindle at Amazon. This book describes the principles of Attachment-Focused Treatment, the components of treatment, and the differential use of those 14 components in the five phases of treatment. It is essential a treatment manual, with many clinical examples, describing the essential elements of attachment-focused family therapy.


Arthur Becker-Weidman, PhD said...

Note: If you are a member of Amazon Prime you can rent a copy for free!

Arthur Becker-Weidman, PhD said...

A collaboration between the Academy for Human Development's Graduate Counseling program (a University in Singapore) and the Center for Family Development. This Institute provides training and certification in Attachment-Focused Therapy, Attachment-Focused Family Therapy, and certification as an Attachment-Focused Professional (for residential treatment center milieu staff, teachers, therapeutic foster parents, occupational therapists, and others who wish to use attachment-facilitating methods in their work.
In addition, the Institute providers certification for organizations (Group Homes, Foster Care agencies, Residential Treatment Centers, Wilderness Program, and Therapeutic Boarding Schools as a Certified Attachment-Focused Organization.