Apr 22, 2012

Attachment-Focused Treatment Institute

A collaboration between the Academy for Human Development's Graduate Counseling program (a University in Singapore) and the Center for Family Development. This Institute provides training and certification in Attachment-Focused Therapy, Attachment-Focused Family Therapy, and certification as an Attachment-Focused Professional (for residential treatment center milieu staff, teachers, therapeutic foster parents, occupational therapists, and others who wish to use attachment-facilitating methods in their work. In addition, the Institute providers certification for organizations (Group Homes, Foster Care agencies, Residential Treatment Centers, Wilderness Program, and Therapeutic Boarding Schools as a Certified Attachment-Focused Organization. See the Institute's Facebook page.

Apr 10, 2012

The Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Primer

The Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Primer is now out in print and Kindle at Amazon. This book describes the principles of Attachment-Focused Treatment, the components of treatment, and the differential use of those 14 components in the five phases of treatment. It is essential a treatment manual, with many clinical examples, describing the essential elements of attachment-focused family therapy.